Our Products

Hidden Ductless Mini-Splits - Optimal Comfort and Style

GREE's hidden ductless mini-splits are a top choice for homeowners and business owners looking for a stylish and efficient way to control the climate in their homes or commercial spaces. These systems are designed with a hidden indoor unit and stylish grille, allowing them to blend seamlessly into your decor. Concealed ductless air handlers are usually placed above the ceiling in attics, beneath the floor in basements or crawl spaces, or concealed within a soffit. Not only do they offer unobtrusive design, but also efficient heating and cooling, making them the perfect choice for optimal comfort and energy efficiency.

GREE's hidden ductless mini-splits, also known as slim-duct mini-splits, are equipped with features such as I-Feel function, internal condensate pump, and both remote & wired controller options, a great investment for your space. These hidden indoor units can be installed in conjunction with an outdoor compressor that has built-in inverter technology, making them use less energy and have lower operating costs compared to traditional HVAC systems. GREE’s hidden ductless mini-splits are compatible with both single zone and multi zone mini-split systems, giving you ultimate flexibility to control both the comfort and style of your space.

If you have questions about installing hidden ductless mini-split, be sure to visit our instructional videos and FAQ page. Not only does GREE offer outstanding onsite support for our contractors, but we also store ample replacement parts for hidden ductless mini-splits available so that you can keep your client’s HVAC system running seamlessly.